Here we are – January 2022. Every year that goes by it seems that “dry January” becomes more prevalent and it may, finally, officially, be “a thing”. As a producer of alcohol beverages, among other beverage types, we thought it would be great to discuss our thoughts on this growing trend.
“Dry January” is where people refrain from consuming alcohol completely (or greatly reduce their alcohol consumption) for a number of reasons, the main ones being physical and mental health. At MOD Beverage we support this heavily as part of everyone’s personal responsible use plan, and we always support the responsible use of our alcoholic products.
This could be the time to try some non-alcoholic beverages where you would normally consume alcohol, or experiment with the many great choices in the alcohol beverage category, including light beers, ciders, wines and Ready-To-Drink (RTDs) with lower alcohol percentages than the traditional styles. There are also alcohol beverages that are loaded with functional and “better for you” advantages.
We have some great options at MOD and will be launching non-alcoholic beverages in the future. Here is a guide on some product suggestions to help with “dry” or “relatively dry” January plans:
Boujee Wines are a great example of a lower alcohol option in wine. With refreshing Sauvignon Blanc and Rosé varieties and a 10% alcohol/volume (alc/vol) content, these wines give you the flavour and refreshment you are looking for at a reduced alcohol and sugar content. Boujee is also only available in 250ml (~8.5oz) cans, which helps with serving size and portion control as well as travel-ability and convenience. Check out @goboujee or goboujee.wine for more info.
Mighty Hard Coconut Water is a great functional and better-for-you option. It is the only naturally fermented and functional hard coconut water that provides wellness, nutrition, and refreshment – backed by science. We brew with authentically crafted recipes designed to be a truly guilt-free, better-for-you alcohol beverage option that feels great and tastes fantastic. There is no added sugar, vodka or spirits. The result is not what any of us could have imagined – we produced a 5% alc/vol unique and refreshing fermented beverage much like a beer or wine (but without spirit or vodka).

Mighty Hard Coconut Water is available in both Original and Pineapple flavours. They are delicious! If you still don’t believe us, please check out @mightyhardcoconutwater or gomighty.ca and try it for yourself! Enjoy, and let us know what you think.
Spectrum Beer Co will be launching some non-alcohol versions of its already amazing and completely unique beers.
As it turns out, beer is a GREAT base for any beverage regardless of whether or not it contains alcohol. Why drink a sugary soda or bodyless sugar free soft drink when you can have an amazing Hot Pink Lemonade Sour sans the booze? Or a Caramel Macchiato Ale without both the alcohol AND the gut-wrenching sugar and lactose content!
Keep your eyes peeled on spectrumbeer.com and follow @spectrumbeer to see when these amazing beverages will hit the grocery store, gas station and convenience store shelves in 2022.
What else is coming from MOD in 2022 you ask? Follow us @modbeverage and frequently check out modbeverage.com for information on our completely unique and industry first plant-milk lineup launch. MOD will also be launching a functional water portfolio and canned water with a unique supply chain spin in 2022 so please keep in touch. We know you’ll be delighted by what we’ve got coming up!
Cheers and Happy New Year everyone. Enjoy your Dry January however you spend it.